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We are an energetic and experienced HK-based IT office had some expertise in UX/UI plan and advancement of the site, portable application, framework (CRM/POS, and so forth), and the most recent innovation, for example, Chatbot, AR, WeChat, digitalized structure, intuitive board, and so on. We assist our customers with beginning their eCommerce with a Personalized client journey or build up a framework and application to streamline the business stream.

A propos du vendeur


Le spécialiste du dropshipping

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    77 - Seine-et-marne, France
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Questions fréquemment posées

This app will be completely native and will be developed in the latest OS. YOu do not have to worry about it

NO, the source code will not be available. If you need source code you have to purchase an extra addon and you will find app source code as well.

Yes, I can deliver it within a day or two but that may be cost you more as I have to put multiple developers on this.

only 5 revisions, If you need after that then you have to pay extra.
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Options complémentaires

Choisissez une (des) option(s) pour obtenir un service plus rapide, plus détaillé et plus de révisions qu'il n'en faut.

Ref # :327


Skaroo est la plateforme idéale pour les entreprises à la recherche de freelances qualifiés pour leurs projets, offrant des avantages tels qu'une grande communauté de freelances, une gestion de projet simplifiée, des coûts avantageux et une grande flexibilité pour les freelances.