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I am a Software Engineer and Android application designer, My First and Last Passion is Coding. Writing computer programs is my pastime, enthusiasm or you can say that I am wild about it. I am an Expert in Android application Development other than this I can likewise Web planning, SEO, and so forth. I am a specialist in C++, C#, JAVA, Android, and Web.

  1. Cross-platform games

  2. Game concept and level designing

  3. Multiplayer integration

  4. Re-skin

  5. Ads and in-app purchase (Maximize your Revenue)

  6. Game Optimisations

  7. 2D/3D Animation

  8. Graphic DesigningSocial Network IntegrationVirtual Reality (VR)Augmented Reality (AR)Game con promotional graphics and video app store and Playstore publishing

f you have a custom game idea in mind then feel free to discuss it with me. The cost/time of your custom game idea will depend upon the complexity of your game idea.

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    77 - Seine-et-marne, France
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